Providing freshly made meals for those in need
Cooking 4 Community
What is Cooking 4 Community?
Gather’s staff, along with teams of volunteers, turn food that has been donated and might have otherwise gone to waste into delicious, nutritious meals that families can access in the lobby of the pantry market. Our team cooks homemade meals, soups, sides, and desserts, packaging them into to-go containers. Community members then have ready-made food to eat, and perfectly good food does not go to waste.
Where can members get these meals?
These meals are available in the lobby of our Pantry Market Monday-Wednesday 10-5, Thursdays 10-6, and Friday 10-2. This is a great option for members who may not have the time, resources, space, and/or ability to make a homemade meal.
How can you help this program?
Our Cooking 4 Community team is based out of three commercial kitchens: Great Bay Community College and Cross Roads House in Portsmouth, and Barton Hall at UNH in Durham, NH. You can volunteer in our Cooking 4 Community program, purchase containers for it, or support our program in a variety of other ways. Please contact Culinary Director, Tania Marino for more information!
How do I volunteer or learn more about C4C?
If you'd like to volunteer with this program or learn more please contact: