Food for Thought
Gather Blog

Rock the Crock!
We are always looking for ways to engage our seniors that are meaningful and fun. It’s not only about nourishment, but social interaction as well.

Volunteer Spotlight: Nancy Winkley
“Whistle as we work is how it’s done,” Nancy says. “It’s hard work but it’s fun; the people are great.”
Member Testimonial
“I don’t know what I’d do without it — what everyone would do without it. They really help a lot of people.”

Staff Spotlight: Holly Hussey
Holly Hussey wasn't fully aware of the challenges college students faced when she went to work at the Gather Café located at Great Bay Community College at Pease. In the year and a half since, she has learned that, like many people in our Seacoast communities, students are facing unprecedented hunger and food insecurity.
Thanksgiving for All
Gather’s Annual Thanksgiving Distribution served turkeys, pies, warm gear, and all the fixings to 1,435 individuals.
“Gus the Bus” Hits the Road
The bus brings food to communities where a mobile market isn’t practical, assuring Gather members have access to nutritious food wherever they live.
Gather Supporters’ Remarks on Meaningful Work
“If you are fortunate to be in the position of being able to make a difference then you should.”

Music Hall Partnership Helps Fill the Hall
“A community day of love that keeps getting better.”

Letter from the Executive Director
“To say we couldn’t do it without you would be an understatement!”